Monday, January 9, 2012

Listen To Your Heart...And Head

So as you may (or may not) have read in my last post I was planning to write half a million words this year (no thanks to Mandy). And as you may (or may not) have noticed I also changed my word count goal to a quarter of a million words. Why do I care enough about this to blog about it? I have made the lesson I learned into my advice for the week.

After posting here and posting on Hogwarts Radio and talking to everyone and their mother's dog about their new year's resolutions I realized I am one of the dumbest people on the planet (and possible others). I had been telling people that they need to set achievable goals for their resolutions. Don't lower you standards but don't be impossible either. I even quoted Queen Rowling on my HR posting. She once said

"Achievable goals: the first step to self improvement."
Although she said this jokingly, it is a statement that isn't bad to take to heart and live by. If you shoot too low then you will never grow. If you shoot too high then you'll never fly. By that I mean if you lower your standards then you will never know your full potential. If you constantly shoot for the impossible then you will always be let down and you will lose confidence in yourself. Also, it sounded cool because it rhymed.

So to wrap up my advice is to aim for something that you believe you can do but is just beyond the reach of what you have previously done. Better yourself in the experience. And always constantly save your work. Seriously, I have written this post three times because of careless mistakes. Much LOVE!

Author: Arthur Clarke

PS Here is a link to JKR's speech if you are interested. Enjoy. She really is brilliant :)

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