Friday, May 25, 2012


This post has nothing to  do with I just love saying that. But, it does have to do with HYPE! HYPE! They way things are hyped up. Do we sometimes hype things up too much and kill them? Is the hype ever worth it? Yes. And a thousand times yes!

An example of too much hype: this blog. It was more of a personal hype. I was very excited because it is Summer so I figured there would be a ton of times for posts and writing and mermaids (hint hint!!) and so many other things. No. There never seem to be enough hours in the day to do everything you need to. Today happens to be an anomaly for me. I am guessing my other gurrrls feel the same seeing as how I am posting twice in a row and they are about 2 weeks apart (another hint!). I digress.

An example of hype worth: Potter. No one can tell me that the hype leading up to a Potter release is unworthy. The midnight parties, the long debates and discussions, the many hours of speculation. All are memories I will never forget. It made the experience more of a journey than a staccato interruption of life. It was a life. Even if we were let down by something in the movie or saddened by an event in the book, the hype was worth it.

Without hype there would be no anticipation, no excitement, nothing to look forward to in life. We need hype to make life exciting once in a while and to give us something to do and to look forward to when needed. Sometimes we go a little overboard. All the hype surrounding Pottermore it what killed it in my opinion. It was fun to get the news, to wait for it, to be excited, but when the time came and we were disappointed then the hype just became annoying. Don't get me wrong, I am a proud Ravenclaw in Pottermore and I love that JKR gave it to us out of love and released the new material, but a little more organization would have been spectacular. We are a demanding fandom after all. Again, I digress.

My closing thought is that even though hype sometimes can ruin something in the end, it is the beginning that is always the fun part. And I don't know about you but personally I don't have the capability of hindsight needed to distinguish the good hype from the bad. I just believe that we need hype, but maybe sometimes just in smaller quantities.

Author: Harry Harrison

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