Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Inky Imagination

Do you read?
Read what?
Books dear. Fiction. Beautiful scrawls on paper landscapes.

This was a legitimate conversation I had earlier today. It was one of those moments when you say something the immediately look around for the person who said it. It couldn't have been you! You would never think to string those words together in a line like that. It's was one of those moments. I love those moments. Sometimes the words simply tumble out of the dictionary and fall in together in a way you can't avoid. Sometimes they make sense, sometimes they are nonsense. Sometimes they build cities or worlds, sometimes they knock walls down. Anytime I am caught off guard with words, my own or overheard, I write them down. I actually keep a small notebook in my bag to do so. If I do not have my notebook I am fortunate enough to own a smart phone and I keep a running note full of wonderful things on it. I love those moments when they happen and some should be loved forever. Maybe one day I'll use them in my own writing, maybe I'll decorate my home in them, maybe I'll just read them when I need a smile.They are everywhere in my life and to have a catalog of them keeps them safe.

Author: Stephen King

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