If you don't write, then you don't know how true this quote is. In my opinion, writing is one of the hardest things you can possibly do. However, each of us on this blog enjoy writing so we obviously enjoy suffering, but why?
My answer to this is because I don't know any other way. Writing is something that I will always do no matter what my day job is. I would absolutely love to be a full-time writer, but that's obviously not the case at the moment. I love letting the words flow onto the paper or the computer and just letting myself get completely lost in another world. Also, I'm an English Major so I obviously enjoy paperwork, right?
For me, I'm a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants writer. I have a main idea written down and with some stories, I have the ending planned out, but I would rather have the same experience I get through reading. That experience is going along with the characters on their journey to figure out the question or defeat the villain. It's something that I've repeatedly been told is a bad thing for a writer, but you know something? I could care less if it's a bad thing.
Of course I tie things up and write down plot points that are loose and need to be tied up or that I can get rid of. Of course I actually do outline my characters so I know exactly who they are and what their motives are. But getting there is half the fun.
If I ever got a book published, that would be great, but I'm not planning to be JK Rowling or Stephen King or any of those extremely famous authors. I just want to share the worlds that I create with the people I care about and if it happens to get published then good for me. If I never get published, it won't be for a lack of trying.
For my other girls on this blog, what's your reason for writing if most people think it's hard?
Author: Cory Doctorow
(For any others, who want to know who they write like, you can check out this awesome site: http://iwl.me/)
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